LoopFi / Prelaunch / LRT #2

[WP-H1] In the else branch of _claim(), the return value and the Event parameter claimedAmount should not be 0.


function claimAndStake(address _token, uint8 _percentage, Exchange _exchange, bytes calldata _data)
    uint256 claimedAmount = _claim(_token, address(this), _percentage, _exchange, _data);
    lpETH.approve(address(lpETHVault), claimedAmount);
    lpETHVault.stake(claimedAmount, msg.sender);

    emit StakedVault(msg.sender, claimedAmount);

The returned claimedAmount will always be 0; as a result, no lpETH will be staked.


 function _claim(address _token, address _receiver, uint8 _percentage, Exchange _exchange, bytes calldata _data)
        returns (uint256 claimedAmount)
        uint256 userStake = balances[msg.sender][_token];
        if (userStake == 0) {
            revert NothingToClaim();
        if (_token == ETH) {
            claimedAmount = userStake.mulDiv(totalLpETH, totalSupply);
            balances[msg.sender][_token] = 0;
            lpETH.safeTransfer(_receiver, claimedAmount);
        } else {
            uint256 userClaim = userStake * _percentage / 100;
            _validateData(_token, userClaim, _exchange, _data);
            balances[msg.sender][_token] = userStake - userClaim;

            // At this point there should not be any ETH in the contract
            // Swap token to ETH
            _fillQuote(IERC20(_token), userClaim, _data);

            // Convert swapped ETH to lpETH (1 to 1 conversion)
            lpETH.deposit{value: address(this).balance}(_receiver);
        emit Claimed(msg.sender, _token, claimedAmount);


 function _claim(address _token, address _receiver, uint8 _percentage, Exchange _exchange, bytes calldata _data)
        returns (uint256 claimedAmount)
        uint256 userStake = balances[msg.sender][_token];
        if (userStake == 0) {
            revert NothingToClaim();
        if (_token == ETH) {
            claimedAmount = userStake.mulDiv(totalLpETH, totalSupply);
            balances[msg.sender][_token] = 0;
            lpETH.safeTransfer(_receiver, claimedAmount);
        } else {
            uint256 userClaim = userStake * _percentage / 100;
            _validateData(_token, userClaim, _exchange, _data);
            balances[msg.sender][_token] = userStake - userClaim;

            // At this point there should not be any ETH in the contract
            // Swap token to ETH
            _fillQuote(IERC20(_token), userClaim, _data);

            // Convert swapped ETH to lpETH (1 to 1 conversion)
            claimedAmount = address(this).balance;
            lpETH.deposit{value: claimedAmount}(_receiver);
        emit Claimed(msg.sender, _token, claimedAmount);

[WP-L2] withdraw() function reverts in an obscure manner or with an unclear reason message when emergencyMode && _token == ETH && block.timestamp >= startClaimDate due to the absence of an ETH.safeTransfer() function selector.

This leads to an unintended execution reaching L297.


     * @dev Called by a staker to withdraw all their ETH or LRT
     * Note Can only be called after the loop address is set and before claiming lpETH,
     * i.e. for at least TIMELOCK. In emergency mode can be called at any time.
     * @param _token      Address of the token to withdraw
    function withdraw(address _token) external {
        if (!emergencyMode) {
            if (block.timestamp <= loopActivation) {
                revert CurrentlyNotPossible();
            if (block.timestamp >= startClaimDate) {
                revert NoLongerPossible();

        uint256 lockedAmount = balances[msg.sender][_token];
        balances[msg.sender][_token] = 0;

        if (lockedAmount == 0) {
            revert CannotWithdrawZero();
        if (_token == ETH && block.timestamp < startClaimDate) {
            // If block.timestamp >= startClaimDate use claim to get your lpETH instead
            totalSupply = totalSupply - lockedAmount;

            (bool sent,) = msg.sender.call{value: lockedAmount}("");

            if (!sent) {
                revert FailedToSendEther();
        } else {
            IERC20(_token).safeTransfer(msg.sender, lockedAmount);

        emit Withdrawn(msg.sender, _token, lockedAmount);


Consider changing to something like:

     * @dev Called by a staker to withdraw all their ETH or LRT
     * Note Can only be called after the loop address is set and before claiming lpETH,
     * i.e. for at least TIMELOCK. In emergency mode can be called at any time.
     * @param _token      Address of the token to withdraw
    function withdraw(address _token) external {
        if (!emergencyMode) {
            if (block.timestamp <= loopActivation) {
                revert CurrentlyNotPossible();
            if (block.timestamp >= startClaimDate) {
                revert NoLongerPossible();

        uint256 lockedAmount = balances[msg.sender][_token];
        balances[msg.sender][_token] = 0;

        if (lockedAmount == 0) {
            revert CannotWithdrawZero();
        if (_token == ETH) {
            // If block.timestamp >= startClaimDate use claim to get your lpETH instead
            require(block.timestamp < startClaimDate, "use claim to get your lpETH instead");

            totalSupply = totalSupply - lockedAmount;
            (bool sent,) = msg.sender.call{value: lockedAmount}("");

            if (!sent) {
                revert FailedToSendEther();
        } else {
            IERC20(_token).safeTransfer(msg.sender, lockedAmount);

        emit Withdrawn(msg.sender, _token, lockedAmount);

Re: [WP-M3] WETH may be lost due to _fillQuote() allowing outputToken == address(WETH) without converting to NATIVE token through WETH.withdraw()

If it is expected that the _fillQuote() swap output token will always be a NATIVE token, it is recommended to more explicitly validate the outputToken in the calldata.

Consider changing from:


@@ 393,399 @@ /** * @notice Validates the data sent from 0x API to match desired behaviour * @param _token address of the token to sell * @param _amount amount of token to sell * @param _exchange exchange identifier where the swap takes place * @param _data swap data from 0x API */
function _validateData(address _token, uint256 _amount, Exchange _exchange, bytes calldata _data) internal view {
@@ 401,405 @@ address inputToken; address outputToken; uint256 inputTokenAmount; address recipient; bytes4 selector;
if (_exchange == Exchange.UniswapV3) { (inputToken, outputToken, inputTokenAmount, recipient, selector) = _decodeUniswapV3Data(_data); if (selector != UNI_SELECTOR) { revert WrongSelector(selector); } } else if (_exchange == Exchange.TransformERC20) { (inputToken, outputToken, inputTokenAmount, selector) = _decodeTransformERC20Data(_data); if (selector != TRANSFORM_SELECTOR) { revert WrongSelector(selector); } } else { revert WrongExchange(); } if (inputToken != _token || (outputToken != ETH && outputToken != address(WETH))) { revert WrongDataTokens(inputToken, outputToken); }
@@ 424,429 @@ if (inputTokenAmount != _amount) { revert WrongDataAmount(inputTokenAmount); } if (recipient != address(this) && recipient != address(0)) { revert WrongRecipient(recipient); }



@@ 393,399 @@ /** * @notice Validates the data sent from 0x API to match desired behaviour * @param _token address of the token to sell * @param _amount amount of token to sell * @param _exchange exchange identifier where the swap takes place * @param _data swap data from 0x API */
function _validateData(address _token, uint256 _amount, Exchange _exchange, bytes calldata _data) internal view {
@@ 401,405 @@ address inputToken; address outputToken; uint256 inputTokenAmount; address recipient; bytes4 selector;
if (_exchange == Exchange.UniswapV3) { (inputToken, outputToken, inputTokenAmount, recipient, selector) = _decodeUniswapV3Data(_data); if (selector != UNI_SELECTOR) { revert WrongSelector(selector); } // UniswapV3Feature.sellTokenForEthToUniswapV3(encodedPath, sellAmount, minBuyAmount, recipient) requires `encodedPath` to be a Uniswap-encoded path, where the last token is WETH, and sends the NATIVE token to `recipient` if (outputToken != address(WETH)) { revert WrongDataTokens(inputToken, outputToken); } } else if (_exchange == Exchange.TransformERC20) { (inputToken, outputToken, inputTokenAmount, selector) = _decodeTransformERC20Data(_data); if (selector != TRANSFORM_SELECTOR) { revert WrongSelector(selector); } if (outputToken != ETH) { revert WrongDataTokens(inputToken, outputToken); } } else { revert WrongExchange(); } if (inputToken != _token) { revert WrongDataTokens(inputToken, outputToken); }
@@ 431,436 @@ if (inputTokenAmount != _amount) { revert WrongDataAmount(inputTokenAmount); } if (recipient != address(this) && recipient != address(0)) { revert WrongRecipient(recipient); }