should use discountedPrice
when determining if a position is in bad debt status, ensuring that only liquidatePositionBadDebt()
can be used for bad debt positions.For instance:
Since the collateral worth 10000 () can only repay a maximum of 8000 (
) in debt, which is less than the user's debt of 9000.
The regular liquidatePosition()
without loss should no longer be allowed.
Current implementation:
CDPVault.sol#L526 does not consider liquidationConfig.liquidationDiscount
@@ 501,508 @@
/// @notice Liquidates a single unsafe position by selling collateral at a discounted (`liquidationDiscount`)
/// oracle price. The liquidator has to provide the amount he wants to repay or sell (`repayAmounts`) for
/// the position. From that repay amount a penalty (`liquidationPenalty`) is subtracted to mitigate against
/// profitable self liquidations. If the available collateral of a position is not sufficient to cover the debt
/// the vault accumulates 'bad debt'.
/// @dev The liquidator has to approve the vault to transfer the sum of `repayAmounts`.
/// @param owner Owner of the position to liquidate
/// @param repayAmount Amount the liquidator wants to repay [wad]
function liquidatePosition(address owner, uint256 repayAmount) external whenNotPaused {
// validate params
if (owner == address(0) || repayAmount == 0) revert CDPVault__liquidatePosition_invalidParameters();
// load configs
VaultConfig memory config = vaultConfig;
LiquidationConfig memory liqConfig_ = liquidationConfig;
// load liquidated position
Position memory position = positions[owner];
DebtData memory debtData = _calcDebt(position);
// load price and calculate discounted price
uint256 spotPrice_ = spotPrice();
uint256 discountedPrice = wmul(spotPrice_, liqConfig_.liquidationDiscount);
if (spotPrice_ == 0) revert CDPVault__liquidatePosition_invalidSpotPrice();
// Enusure that there's no bad debt
if (calcTotalDebt(debtData) > wmul(position.collateral, spotPrice_)) revert CDPVault__BadDebt();
@@ 528,573 @@
// compute collateral to take, debt to repay and penalty to pay
uint256 takeCollateral = wdiv(repayAmount, discountedPrice);
uint256 deltaDebt = wmul(repayAmount, liqConfig_.liquidationPenalty);
uint256 penalty = wmul(repayAmount, WAD - liqConfig_.liquidationPenalty);
if (takeCollateral > position.collateral) revert CDPVault__tooHighRepayAmount();
// verify that the position is indeed unsafe
if (_isCollateralized(calcTotalDebt(debtData), wmul(position.collateral, spotPrice_), config.liquidationRatio))
revert CDPVault__liquidatePosition_notUnsafe();
// transfer the repay amount from the liquidator to the vault
poolUnderlying.safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(pool), repayAmount - penalty);
uint256 newDebt;
uint256 profit;
uint256 maxRepayment = calcTotalDebt(debtData);
uint256 newCumulativeIndex;
if (deltaDebt == maxRepayment) {
newDebt = 0;
newCumulativeIndex = debtData.cumulativeIndexNow;
profit = debtData.accruedInterest;
position.cumulativeQuotaInterest = 0;
} else {
(newDebt, newCumulativeIndex, profit, position.cumulativeQuotaInterest) = calcDecrease(
deltaDebt, // delta debt
debtData.cumulativeIndexNow, // current cumulative base interest index in Ray
position.cumulativeQuotaIndexLU = debtData.cumulativeQuotaIndexNow;
// update liquidated position
position = _modifyPosition(owner, position, newDebt, newCumulativeIndex, -toInt256(takeCollateral), totalDebt);
pool.repayCreditAccount(debtData.debt - newDebt, profit, 0); // U:[CM-11]
// transfer the collateral amount from the vault to the liquidator
token.safeTransfer(msg.sender, takeCollateral);
// Mint the penalty from the vault to the treasury
poolUnderlying.safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(pool), penalty);
if (debtData.debt - newDebt != 0) {
IPoolV3(pool).updateQuotaRevenue(_calcQuotaRevenueChange(-int(debtData.debt - newDebt))); // U:[PQK-15]
@@ 501,508 @@
/// @notice Liquidates a single unsafe position by selling collateral at a discounted (`liquidationDiscount`)
/// oracle price. The liquidator has to provide the amount he wants to repay or sell (`repayAmounts`) for
/// the position. From that repay amount a penalty (`liquidationPenalty`) is subtracted to mitigate against
/// profitable self liquidations. If the available collateral of a position is not sufficient to cover the debt
/// the vault accumulates 'bad debt'.
/// @dev The liquidator has to approve the vault to transfer the sum of `repayAmounts`.
/// @param owner Owner of the position to liquidate
/// @param repayAmount Amount the liquidator wants to repay [wad]
function liquidatePosition(address owner, uint256 repayAmount) external whenNotPaused {
// validate params
if (owner == address(0) || repayAmount == 0) revert CDPVault__liquidatePosition_invalidParameters();
// load configs
VaultConfig memory config = vaultConfig;
LiquidationConfig memory liqConfig_ = liquidationConfig;
// load liquidated position
Position memory position = positions[owner];
DebtData memory debtData = _calcDebt(position);
// load price and calculate discounted price
uint256 spotPrice_ = spotPrice();
uint256 discountedPrice = wmul(spotPrice_, liqConfig_.liquidationDiscount);
if (spotPrice_ == 0) revert CDPVault__liquidatePosition_invalidSpotPrice();
// Enusure that there's no bad debt
if (calcTotalDebt(debtData) > wmul(position.collateral, spotPrice_)) revert CDPVault__BadDebt();
@@ 528,573 @@
// compute collateral to take, debt to repay and penalty to pay
uint256 takeCollateral = wdiv(repayAmount, discountedPrice);
uint256 deltaDebt = wmul(repayAmount, liqConfig_.liquidationPenalty);
uint256 penalty = wmul(repayAmount, WAD - liqConfig_.liquidationPenalty);
if (takeCollateral > position.collateral) revert CDPVault__tooHighRepayAmount();
// verify that the position is indeed unsafe
if (_isCollateralized(calcTotalDebt(debtData), wmul(position.collateral, spotPrice_), config.liquidationRatio))
revert CDPVault__liquidatePosition_notUnsafe();
// transfer the repay amount from the liquidator to the vault
poolUnderlying.safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(pool), repayAmount - penalty);
uint256 newDebt;
uint256 profit;
uint256 maxRepayment = calcTotalDebt(debtData);
uint256 newCumulativeIndex;
if (deltaDebt == maxRepayment) {
newDebt = 0;
newCumulativeIndex = debtData.cumulativeIndexNow;
profit = debtData.accruedInterest;
position.cumulativeQuotaInterest = 0;
} else {
(newDebt, newCumulativeIndex, profit, position.cumulativeQuotaInterest) = calcDecrease(
deltaDebt, // delta debt
debtData.cumulativeIndexNow, // current cumulative base interest index in Ray
position.cumulativeQuotaIndexLU = debtData.cumulativeQuotaIndexNow;
// update liquidated position
position = _modifyPosition(owner, position, newDebt, newCumulativeIndex, -toInt256(takeCollateral), totalDebt);
pool.repayCreditAccount(debtData.debt - newDebt, profit, 0); // U:[CM-11]
// transfer the collateral amount from the vault to the liquidator
token.safeTransfer(msg.sender, takeCollateral);
// Mint the penalty from the vault to the treasury
poolUnderlying.safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(pool), penalty);
if (debtData.debt - newDebt != 0) {
IPoolV3(pool).updateQuotaRevenue(_calcQuotaRevenueChange(-int(debtData.debt - newDebt))); // U:[PQK-15]
should convert collateralWithdrawn
to the correct scaleThis issue will only have an impact when the ERC4626's decimals is not 18.
The current implementation of collateralWithdrawn
is in [wad]
scale, but:
The first parameter of L67 collateralWithdrawn = IERC4626(collateral).redeem(collateralWithdrawn, address(this), address(this))
expects an amount in scale.
The return value of PositionAction4626._onWithdraw()
is expected to be in [CDPVault.tokenScale()]
scale, see PositionAction4626.sol#L60 and PositionAction.sol#L544.
/// @notice Withdraw collateral from the vault
/// @param vault Address of the vault
/// @param /*position*/ Address of the position
/// @param dst Token the caller expects to receive
/// @param amount Amount of collateral to withdraw [wad]
/// @return Amount of collateral withdrawn [CDPVault.tokenScale()]
function _onWithdraw(address vault, address /*position*/, address dst, uint256 amount) internal override returns (uint256) {
uint256 collateralWithdrawn = ICDPVault(vault).withdraw(address(this), amount);
// if collateral is not the dst token, we need to withdraw the underlying from the ERC4626 vault
address collateral = address(ICDPVault(vault).token());
if (dst != collateral) {
collateralWithdrawn = IERC4626(collateral).redeem(collateralWithdrawn, address(this), address(this));
return collateralWithdrawn;
/// @notice Withdraws collateral tokens from this contract and decreases a user's collateral balance
/// @param to Address of the user to withdraw tokens to
/// @param amount Amount of tokens to withdraw [tokenScale]
/// @return tokenAmount Amount of tokens withdrawn [wad]
function withdraw(address to, uint256 amount) external whenNotPaused returns (uint256 tokenAmount) {
tokenAmount = wdiv(amount, tokenScale);
int256 deltaCollateral = -toInt256(tokenAmount);
owner: to,
collateralizer: msg.sender,
creditor: msg.sender,
deltaCollateral: deltaCollateral,
deltaDebt: 0
/// @notice Withdraws collateral from CDPVault (optionally swaps collateral to an arbitrary token)
/// @param vault The CDP Vault
/// @param collateralParams The collateral parameters
/// @return The amount of collateral withdrawn [token.decimals()]
function _withdraw(address vault, address position, CollateralParams calldata collateralParams) internal returns (uint256) {
uint256 collateral = _onWithdraw(vault, position, collateralParams.targetToken, collateralParams.amount);
// perform swap from collateral to arbitrary token
if (collateralParams.auxSwap.assetIn != address(0)) {
abi.encodeWithSelector(swapAction.swap.selector, collateralParams.auxSwap)
} else {
// otherwise just send the collateral to `collateralizer`
IERC20(collateralParams.targetToken).safeTransfer(collateralParams.collateralizer, collateral);
return collateral;
/// @notice Withdraw collateral from the vault
/// @param vault Address of the vault
/// @param /*position*/ Address of the position
/// @param dst Token the caller expects to receive
/// @param amount Amount of collateral to withdraw [wad]
/// @return Amount of collateral withdrawn [CDPVault.tokenScale()]
function _onWithdraw(address vault, address /*position*/, address dst, uint256 amount) internal override returns (uint256) {
uint256 collateralWithdrawn = ICDPVault(vault).withdraw(address(this), amount);
// if collateral is not the dst token, we need to withdraw the underlying from the ERC4626 vault
address collateral = address(ICDPVault(vault).token());
if (dst != collateral) {
collateralWithdrawn = IERC4626(collateral).redeem(collateralWithdrawn, address(this), address(this));
return collateralWithdrawn;
/// @notice Withdraws collateral tokens from this contract and decreases a user's collateral balance
/// @param to Address of the user to withdraw tokens to
/// @param amount Amount of tokens to withdraw [tokenScale]
/// @return tokenAmount Amount of tokens withdrawn [wad]
function withdraw(address to, uint256 amount) external whenNotPaused returns (uint256 tokenAmount) {
tokenAmount = wdiv(amount, tokenScale);
int256 deltaCollateral = -toInt256(tokenAmount);
owner: to,
collateralizer: msg.sender,
creditor: msg.sender,
deltaCollateral: deltaCollateral,
deltaDebt: 0
/// @notice Withdraws collateral from CDPVault (optionally swaps collateral to an arbitrary token)
/// @param vault The CDP Vault
/// @param collateralParams The collateral parameters
/// @return The amount of collateral withdrawn [token.decimals()]
function _withdraw(address vault, address position, CollateralParams calldata collateralParams) internal returns (uint256) {
uint256 collateral = _onWithdraw(vault, position, collateralParams.targetToken, collateralParams.amount);
// perform swap from collateral to arbitrary token
if (collateralParams.auxSwap.assetIn != address(0)) {
abi.encodeWithSelector(swapAction.swap.selector, collateralParams.auxSwap)
} else {
// otherwise just send the collateral to `collateralizer`
IERC20(collateralParams.targetToken).safeTransfer(collateralParams.collateralizer, collateral);
return collateral;
Unused or Redundant repayAmount
Parameter in Actual Business LogicIn the current implementation, the repayAmount
actually used is calculated on-the-fly based on the position's state (position.collateral
, discountedPrice
) at L605-606.
The actual amount of poolUnderlying tokens that the liquidator needs to pay is unrelated to the repayAmount
/// @dev The liquidator has to approve the vault to transfer the sum of `repayAmounts`.
/// @param owner Owner of the position to liquidate
/// @param repayAmount Amount the liquidator wants to repay [wad]
function liquidatePositionBadDebt(address owner, uint256 repayAmount) external whenNotPaused {
// validate params
if (owner == address(0) || repayAmount == 0) revert CDPVault__liquidatePosition_invalidParameters();
// load configs
VaultConfig memory config = vaultConfig;
LiquidationConfig memory liqConfig_ = liquidationConfig;
// load liquidated position
Position memory position = positions[owner];
DebtData memory debtData = _calcDebt(position);
uint256 spotPrice_ = spotPrice();
if (spotPrice_ == 0) revert CDPVault__liquidatePosition_invalidSpotPrice();
// verify that the position is indeed unsafe
if (_isCollateralized(calcTotalDebt(debtData), wmul(position.collateral, spotPrice_), config.liquidationRatio))
revert CDPVault__liquidatePosition_notUnsafe();
// load price and calculate discounted price
uint256 discountedPrice = wmul(spotPrice_, liqConfig_.liquidationDiscount);
// Enusure that the debt is greater than the collateral at discounted price
if (calcTotalDebt(debtData) <= wmul(position.collateral, discountedPrice)) revert CDPVault__noBadDebt();
// compute collateral to take, debt to repay
uint256 takeCollateral = wdiv(repayAmount, discountedPrice);
if (takeCollateral < position.collateral) revert CDPVault__repayAmountNotEnough();
// account for bad debt
takeCollateral = position.collateral;
repayAmount = wmul(takeCollateral, discountedPrice);
uint256 loss = calcTotalDebt(debtData) - repayAmount;
// transfer the repay amount from the liquidator to the vault
poolUnderlying.safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(pool), repayAmount);
position.cumulativeQuotaInterest = 0;
position.cumulativeQuotaIndexLU = debtData.cumulativeQuotaIndexNow;
// update liquidated position
position = _modifyPosition(
pool.repayCreditAccount(debtData.debt, 0, loss); // U:[CM-11]
// transfer the collateral amount from the vault to the liquidator
token.safeTransfer(msg.sender, takeCollateral);
int256 quotaRevenueChange = _calcQuotaRevenueChange(-int(debtData.debt));
if (quotaRevenueChange != 0) {
IPoolV3(pool).updateQuotaRevenue(quotaRevenueChange); // U:[PQK-15]
/// @dev The liquidator has to approve the vault to transfer the sum of `repayAmounts`.
/// @param owner Owner of the position to liquidate
/// @param repayAmount Amount the liquidator wants to repay [wad]
function liquidatePositionBadDebt(address owner, uint256 repayAmount) external whenNotPaused {
// validate params
if (owner == address(0) || repayAmount == 0) revert CDPVault__liquidatePosition_invalidParameters();
// load configs
VaultConfig memory config = vaultConfig;
LiquidationConfig memory liqConfig_ = liquidationConfig;
// load liquidated position
Position memory position = positions[owner];
DebtData memory debtData = _calcDebt(position);
uint256 spotPrice_ = spotPrice();
if (spotPrice_ == 0) revert CDPVault__liquidatePosition_invalidSpotPrice();
// verify that the position is indeed unsafe
if (_isCollateralized(calcTotalDebt(debtData), wmul(position.collateral, spotPrice_), config.liquidationRatio))
revert CDPVault__liquidatePosition_notUnsafe();
// load price and calculate discounted price
uint256 discountedPrice = wmul(spotPrice_, liqConfig_.liquidationDiscount);
// Enusure that the debt is greater than the collateral at discounted price
if (calcTotalDebt(debtData) <= wmul(position.collateral, discountedPrice)) revert CDPVault__noBadDebt();
// compute collateral to take, debt to repay
uint256 takeCollateral = wdiv(repayAmount, discountedPrice);
if (takeCollateral < position.collateral) revert CDPVault__repayAmountNotEnough();
// account for bad debt
takeCollateral = position.collateral;
repayAmount = wmul(takeCollateral, discountedPrice);
uint256 loss = calcTotalDebt(debtData) - repayAmount;
// transfer the repay amount from the liquidator to the vault
poolUnderlying.safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(pool), repayAmount);
position.cumulativeQuotaInterest = 0;
position.cumulativeQuotaIndexLU = debtData.cumulativeQuotaIndexNow;
// update liquidated position
position = _modifyPosition(
pool.repayCreditAccount(debtData.debt, 0, loss); // U:[CM-11]
// transfer the collateral amount from the vault to the liquidator
token.safeTransfer(msg.sender, takeCollateral);
int256 quotaRevenueChange = _calcQuotaRevenueChange(-int(debtData.debt));
if (quotaRevenueChange != 0) {
IPoolV3(pool).updateQuotaRevenue(quotaRevenueChange); // U:[PQK-15]
in liquidatePosition()
may lead to bad debtFor instance:
: 9e17
Since collateral worth 10000 () can repay up to 8000 (
) of debt, and 8000 is greater than the user's debt of 7500, the liquidator should be able to clear the position using
without any loss.
Current implementation:
For collateral worth 10000, the maximum repayAmount
is 8000 (). The corresponding maximum
at L530 is 7200 (), and the
at L531 is 800 ().
to the treasuryThe position now becomes a bad debt position with a 300 loss, which would not be in bad debt if there is no penalty.
Unlike the liquidationDiscount
, the penalty is charged by the protocol. There is no incentive to urge the liquidator by having a higher percentage of penalty (while a higher liquidationDiscount
should help incentivize the liquidator).
We argue that the penalty should not be charged at the expense of creating bad debt.
@@ 501,508 @@
/// @notice Liquidates a single unsafe position by selling collateral at a discounted (`liquidationDiscount`)
/// oracle price. The liquidator has to provide the amount he wants to repay or sell (`repayAmounts`) for
/// the position. From that repay amount a penalty (`liquidationPenalty`) is subtracted to mitigate against
/// profitable self liquidations. If the available collateral of a position is not sufficient to cover the debt
/// the vault accumulates 'bad debt'.
/// @dev The liquidator has to approve the vault to transfer the sum of `repayAmounts`.
/// @param owner Owner of the position to liquidate
/// @param repayAmount Amount the liquidator wants to repay [wad]
function liquidatePosition(address owner, uint256 repayAmount) external whenNotPaused {
@@ 510,524 @@
// validate params
if (owner == address(0) || repayAmount == 0) revert CDPVault__liquidatePosition_invalidParameters();
// load configs
VaultConfig memory config = vaultConfig;
LiquidationConfig memory liqConfig_ = liquidationConfig;
// load liquidated position
Position memory position = positions[owner];
DebtData memory debtData = _calcDebt(position);
// load price and calculate discounted price
uint256 spotPrice_ = spotPrice();
uint256 discountedPrice = wmul(spotPrice_, liqConfig_.liquidationDiscount);
if (spotPrice_ == 0) revert CDPVault__liquidatePosition_invalidSpotPrice();
// Enusure that there's no bad debt
if (calcTotalDebt(debtData) > wmul(position.collateral, spotPrice_)) revert CDPVault__BadDebt();
// compute collateral to take, debt to repay and penalty to pay
uint256 takeCollateral = wdiv(repayAmount, discountedPrice);
uint256 deltaDebt = wmul(repayAmount, liqConfig_.liquidationPenalty);
uint256 penalty = wmul(repayAmount, WAD - liqConfig_.liquidationPenalty);
if (takeCollateral > position.collateral) revert CDPVault__tooHighRepayAmount();
// verify that the position is indeed unsafe
if (_isCollateralized(calcTotalDebt(debtData), wmul(position.collateral, spotPrice_), config.liquidationRatio))
revert CDPVault__liquidatePosition_notUnsafe();
// transfer the repay amount from the liquidator to the vault
poolUnderlying.safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(pool), repayAmount - penalty);
uint256 newDebt;
uint256 profit;
uint256 maxRepayment = calcTotalDebt(debtData);
uint256 newCumulativeIndex;
if (deltaDebt == maxRepayment) {
newDebt = 0;
newCumulativeIndex = debtData.cumulativeIndexNow;
profit = debtData.accruedInterest;
position.cumulativeQuotaInterest = 0;
} else {
(newDebt, newCumulativeIndex, profit, position.cumulativeQuotaInterest) = calcDecrease(
deltaDebt, // delta debt
debtData.cumulativeIndexNow, // current cumulative base interest index in Ray
position.cumulativeQuotaIndexLU = debtData.cumulativeQuotaIndexNow;
// update liquidated position
position = _modifyPosition(owner, position, newDebt, newCumulativeIndex, -toInt256(takeCollateral), totalDebt);
pool.repayCreditAccount(debtData.debt - newDebt, profit, 0); // U:[CM-11]
// transfer the collateral amount from the vault to the liquidator
token.safeTransfer(msg.sender, takeCollateral);
// Mint the penalty from the vault to the treasury
poolUnderlying.safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(pool), penalty);
if (debtData.debt - newDebt != 0) {
IPoolV3(pool).updateQuotaRevenue(_calcQuotaRevenueChange(-int(debtData.debt - newDebt))); // U:[PQK-15]
@@ 501,508 @@
/// @notice Liquidates a single unsafe position by selling collateral at a discounted (`liquidationDiscount`)
/// oracle price. The liquidator has to provide the amount he wants to repay or sell (`repayAmounts`) for
/// the position. From that repay amount a penalty (`liquidationPenalty`) is subtracted to mitigate against
/// profitable self liquidations. If the available collateral of a position is not sufficient to cover the debt
/// the vault accumulates 'bad debt'.
/// @dev The liquidator has to approve the vault to transfer the sum of `repayAmounts`.
/// @param owner Owner of the position to liquidate
/// @param repayAmount Amount the liquidator wants to repay [wad]
function liquidatePosition(address owner, uint256 repayAmount) external whenNotPaused {
@@ 510,524 @@
// validate params
if (owner == address(0) || repayAmount == 0) revert CDPVault__liquidatePosition_invalidParameters();
// load configs
VaultConfig memory config = vaultConfig;
LiquidationConfig memory liqConfig_ = liquidationConfig;
// load liquidated position
Position memory position = positions[owner];
DebtData memory debtData = _calcDebt(position);
// load price and calculate discounted price
uint256 spotPrice_ = spotPrice();
uint256 discountedPrice = wmul(spotPrice_, liqConfig_.liquidationDiscount);
if (spotPrice_ == 0) revert CDPVault__liquidatePosition_invalidSpotPrice();
// Enusure that there's no bad debt
if (calcTotalDebt(debtData) > wmul(position.collateral, spotPrice_)) revert CDPVault__BadDebt();
// compute collateral to take, debt to repay and penalty to pay
uint256 takeCollateral = wdiv(repayAmount, discountedPrice);
uint256 deltaDebt = wmul(repayAmount, liqConfig_.liquidationPenalty);
uint256 penalty = wmul(repayAmount, WAD - liqConfig_.liquidationPenalty);
if (takeCollateral > position.collateral) revert CDPVault__tooHighRepayAmount();
// verify that the position is indeed unsafe
if (_isCollateralized(calcTotalDebt(debtData), wmul(position.collateral, spotPrice_), config.liquidationRatio))
revert CDPVault__liquidatePosition_notUnsafe();
// transfer the repay amount from the liquidator to the vault
poolUnderlying.safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(pool), repayAmount - penalty);
uint256 newDebt;
uint256 profit;
uint256 maxRepayment = calcTotalDebt(debtData);
uint256 newCumulativeIndex;
if (deltaDebt == maxRepayment) {
newDebt = 0;
newCumulativeIndex = debtData.cumulativeIndexNow;
profit = debtData.accruedInterest;
position.cumulativeQuotaInterest = 0;
} else {
(newDebt, newCumulativeIndex, profit, position.cumulativeQuotaInterest) = calcDecrease(
deltaDebt, // delta debt
debtData.cumulativeIndexNow, // current cumulative base interest index in Ray
position.cumulativeQuotaIndexLU = debtData.cumulativeQuotaIndexNow;
// update liquidated position
position = _modifyPosition(owner, position, newDebt, newCumulativeIndex, -toInt256(takeCollateral), totalDebt);
pool.repayCreditAccount(debtData.debt - newDebt, profit, 0); // U:[CM-11]
// transfer the collateral amount from the vault to the liquidator
token.safeTransfer(msg.sender, takeCollateral);
// Mint the penalty from the vault to the treasury
poolUnderlying.safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(pool), penalty);
if (debtData.debt - newDebt != 0) {
IPoolV3(pool).updateQuotaRevenue(_calcQuotaRevenueChange(-int(debtData.debt - newDebt))); // U:[PQK-15]
Uses a Stricter Health Threshold Than LiquidationThis prevents users from creating positions that can easily result in losses for the owner during liquidation.
For example, Aave and Silo set the maximum borrowing limit for position owners below the liquidation threshold.
Commit 55d8296 "Merge pull request #5 from LoopFi/feat/quotas" introduced a new file src/quotas/QuotasLogic.sol
, but its code is not being used.
For example, CDPVault.sol
and PoolQuotaKeeperV3.sol
are still using QuotasLogic.sol
from @gearbox-protocol/core-v3
Note: We observed that the contents of src/quotas/QuotasLogic.sol
and lib/core-v3/contracts/libraries/QuotasLogic.sol
are identical.
import {IChefIncentivesController} from "./reward/interfaces/IChefIncentivesController.sol";
import {IPoolV3} from "@gearbox-protocol/core-v3/contracts/interfaces/IPoolV3.sol";
import {SafeCast} from "@openzeppelin/contracts/utils/math/SafeCast.sol";
import {CreditLogic} from "@gearbox-protocol/core-v3/contracts/libraries/CreditLogic.sol";
import {QuotasLogic} from "@gearbox-protocol/core-v3/contracts/libraries/QuotasLogic.sol";
import {IPoolQuotaKeeperV3} from "@gearbox-protocol/core-v3/contracts/interfaces/IPoolQuotaKeeperV3.sol";
import {ACLNonReentrantTrait} from "@gearbox-protocol/core-v3/contracts/traits/ACLNonReentrantTrait.sol";
import {ContractsRegisterTrait} from "@gearbox-protocol/core-v3/contracts/traits/ContractsRegisterTrait.sol";
import {QuotasLogic} from "@gearbox-protocol/core-v3/contracts/libraries/QuotasLogic.sol";
import {IPoolV3} from "@gearbox-protocol/core-v3/contracts/interfaces/IPoolV3.sol";
import {IPoolQuotaKeeperV3, TokenQuotaParams, AccountQuota} from "src/interfaces/IPoolQuotaKeeperV3.sol";
import {IGaugeV3} from "@gearbox-protocol/core-v3/contracts/interfaces/IGaugeV3.sol";
import {ICreditManagerV3} from "@gearbox-protocol/core-v3/contracts/interfaces/ICreditManagerV3.sol";
import {PERCENTAGE_FACTOR, RAY} from "@gearbox-protocol/core-v2/contracts/libraries/Constants.sol";
import "@gearbox-protocol/core-v3/contracts/interfaces/IExceptions.sol";
is actually from
/ owner
, not "Address of the user to withdraw tokens to"The comment at L236 is misleading.
/// @notice Withdraws collateral tokens from this contract and decreases a user's collateral balance
/// @param to Address of the user to withdraw tokens to
/// @param amount Amount of tokens to withdraw [tokenScale]
/// @return tokenAmount Amount of tokens withdrawn [wad]
function withdraw(address to, uint256 amount) external whenNotPaused returns (uint256 tokenAmount) {
tokenAmount = wdiv(amount, tokenScale);
int256 deltaCollateral = -toInt256(tokenAmount);
owner: to,
collateralizer: msg.sender,
creditor: msg.sender,
deltaCollateral: deltaCollateral,
deltaDebt: 0
/// @notice Withdraws collateral tokens from this contract and decreases a user's collateral balance
/// @param to Address of the user to withdraw tokens to
/// @param amount Amount of tokens to withdraw [tokenScale]
/// @return tokenAmount Amount of tokens withdrawn [wad]
function withdraw(address to, uint256 amount) external whenNotPaused returns (uint256 tokenAmount) {
tokenAmount = wdiv(amount, tokenScale);
int256 deltaCollateral = -toInt256(tokenAmount);
owner: to,
collateralizer: msg.sender,
creditor: msg.sender,
deltaCollateral: deltaCollateral,
deltaDebt: 0